A new study looking specifically at cardiovascular health and improved glucose control was presented in a poster session at Nutrition 2024, the American Society for Nutrition’s annual meeting, on June 30 in Chicago. Primary investigator Lasantha Krishan Hirimuthugoda, M.D., postdoctoral research associate at Illinois Institute of Technology, presented the findings. The study aimed to investigate dose-related effects of strawberry fruit intake on endothelial function and glucose control, specifically investigating the relationship of flow-mediated dilation (FMD) responses to intervention on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.
The study included 36 women and 32 men, aged 20 to 62 years with a body mass index (BMI) 29.8±4.8 kg/m2. Researchers assessed the effects of strawberry intake on FMD as well as the relationship of the FMD responses to intervention on CVD risk. FMD% was significantly influenced by eating strawberry daily for 4 weeks compared to control suggesting a dose-response toward higher to lower median, respectively (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.001).
Preliminary analyses of CGM suggest no significant differences between interventions in changes from baseline (Kruskal-Wallis test p>0.05). In a logistic regression model (with goodness of fit p=0.33) using all interventions with FMD responses and a 2% increase in FMD as an indicator of reduced CVD risk, suggested strawberry intake dose-dependently reduced CVD risk by 8-times compared to the control group (p<0.001). The sensitivity analysis, in which missing primary outcome data were imputed, resulted in similar findings (odd ratio, 8.029; to 7.029; p<0.001 to p=0.002).
Source: GlobalNewsWire